Wednesday, November 29, 2023

2nd Email

 2ND EMAIL of Jesus camp for those counting. I have 7 more days left of Provo MTC. I packed for Florida. Not the butt cold of Provo Utah.

Forewarning: this week was a little bit tough so if this email sounds like me complaining, it's because it is. 

Like i mentioned, this week was interesting. I've hit the point where I'm a little bugged by the people around me. 

Struggling with my companion a little too. 2 very different people with 2 very different approaches to life. Happy thoughts. (He did almost meet God when he put salt in my drink though 👊🤏).

But at the end of the day we make a great duo when it comes to teaching people. We teach very naturally together and it usually goes great. We taught a girl named kimberlee and we both left shocked with even ourselves at how smoothly we operate as a team. 

Another member of my district had a prompting that we should all go up to the temple Monday night and do endowments. As soon as we made the trek up there we found that the temple was closed. (He ALSO almost met God that night.) 

But on the way back, one member of our district looked down and found his tiny, consecrated oil container, that he had been missing for 4 days, IN THE CRACKS OF THE SIDEWALK. Miracle. 

We had a member of the 70 (don't ask his name. I don't even know what I had for breakfast) give a talk to us this week, ironically about loving your companion and the people around you. Touche God. That helped me get a better perspective on things and to look at things with a better attitude. 

Still not much to write about. Next p day I will be flying to Florida. Until next time. 

HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK: Put a napkin in one of my friends sandwiches and he ate half of it unknowingly. Demon. 

Was given a durag while playing basketball. 

Sunday, November 12, 2023



Farewell Talk: 


Good morning brothers and sisters. For those who don’t know me, my name is Hayden hall. I've been called to serve in the Jacksonville Florida mission. I start home MTC November 13th. 

Growing up I KNEW I was supposed to serve a mission. But last January, something changed and I decided I didn’t want to serve. So if you’re surprised to see me standing here- don’t worry- so am I. 

Obviously, like Alma, I have had a might change of heart and have decided it’s time for me to serve a mission.

I want to thank many friends and family who came to support me, as well as those who aren’t even here who have impacted my life.  I would not be here today and could not do these next two years without your love, support, and example to me. I know I will continue to look up to you. 

Today I want to talk about this change of heart, living the gospel actively and the blessings that come from it.  

Recently my mission president asked me to fill out a “get to know you” questionnaire. One of the questions asked who is my favorite person in the Book of Mormon. This was an easy one. I have always loved how brave and loyal Nephi is.

——Complain & Murmur——-

In 1 Nephi chapter 3 Lehi tells his son that he’s has had a dream and they need to go retrieve the plates from Laban. In verse 4 Lehi is speaking to Nephi and he says: 

  1. Wherefore, the Lord hath commanded me that thou and thy brothers should go unto the house of Laban, and seek the records, and bring them down hither into the wilderness.

Nephi and his brothers know this isn’t going to be an easy tasks and the brothers aren’t too excited about going. Verse 5 reads:

  1. And now, behold thy brothers murmur, saying it is a hard thing which I have required of them; but behold I have not required it of them, but it is a commandment of the Lord.

The brothers complained and murmured. 

Unfortunately I can relate to these boys. My family has talked about me going on a mission since I was little. So I assumed when I turned 18, the decision to serve would be easy. But this year has been anything but easy. It’s been a roller coaster of “yes I’m going” to “no I’m not going” and back and forth. I wasn’t too excited about going and even started to “complain and murmur.”

I was focusing on all the negatives in my life. Such as losing the state championship in football for the second year in a row. I wasn’t doing well in school. I had a relationship end, and my friends were starting to move away. So I had settled on “no I’m not going on a mission. I’m going to work and go to school”. I got a job and started getting registered for school.

However I noticed I was significantly less happy. It felt like I wasn’t completely whole - like something was missing. I felt lonely and empty. This lead to me distancing myself from the spirit. 

A couple months ago, I had my bi-annual or half year birthday interview with Bishop Johnson. We discussed receiving the Melchizedek priesthood and he advised me to read Doctrine and Covenants section 84. I agreed to do it but I shrugged it off and thought I was in no rush (sorry Bishop Johnson). 

——-Friends & Temple ———

At this same time, I also had had enough of the feeling of emptiness. I turned to my friends. All I wanted to do was hang out with them more and more. I figured it would fill this void. These friends had all already gotten their mission calls and were living as the best missionaries they could already. They attended the temple regularly, did baptisms, prayed together, and shared scriptures around the camp fire. They tried to get me to come to the temple multiple times but I was persistent on not attending with them and they told me they respected my decision. At least I thought that was the case until I was randomly added to a group chat one day titled “temple time”. 

I finally humbled myself enough to start going to the temple with these friends. I willingly got up earlier than most teenagers do in the summer, but on church clothes, and met my friends at different temples. It shocked me how happy I was to do all of this in the middle of summer. It was almost instant! Immediately I felt joy. As I attended the temple more and listened more intently to the talks given in sacrament meeting, I found I was so much more at ease and felt peace in my life. I walked around feeling better than I had in months. I immediately knew this was a blessing from Christ himself. 

That is when I decided to finally go back and read what Bishop Johnson had suggested - D&C 84. As I read there was one verse that stood out to me. Verse 46, says, 

  1. “And the spirit giveth light to every man that cometh into world; and the spirit enlighteneth every man through the world that hearkeneth to the voice of the spirit”.   

This scripture hit me hard because of how much I related with it. As I attended the temple more, I was “receiving the light”. As I listened to the talks given in sacrament meeting, I knew I was “listening to the voice”.  I knew the “spirit enlighteneth” me because of the peace I was feeling. I immediately knew this was no coincidence but rather Heavenly Father showing me his love and the compassion he has for me right when I needed it most. After this I knew my decision needed to change. 

——Go and DO——

As in 1 Nephi 3, when Lehi basically told his sons, he wasn’t ASKING them to go get the plates, he was TELLING them. He told them this hard task wasn’t just required but it was a COMMANDMENT of the Lord. 

I finally started to understand that serving a mission, although it occasionally feels like a hard task, is required of me. 

We all know the scripture that follows in 1 Nephi 3:7 

  1. And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.

Although at first I could relate more with Nephi brothers, I now understand that as we obey, have faith, trust, and be willing to sacrifice for the Lord, our lives are blessed and we feel peace and joy. I would have never come to this understanding if it weren’t for my friends invitation to GO to the temple and DO the work I needed to do.

——The Lord Loves Effort——-

This church- the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - is a church of ACTION. It requires effort. It requires us to Go and DO! 

In D&C: 88. The lord tells a parable about 12 servants who are feeling lost and in need of light. The master hears of their struggles and comes to speak with each servant. He tells each to go out into a field to dig and labor for him. And if they do this, he will visit them and gift them the joy of his countenance. 

So without hesitation, off go the servants to dig and labor in the fields. and within the first hour, The Master visited the first servant. And in the second hour, he visited the second servant. And so forth until the 12th. Helping them with their work, speaking to each, Filling each with his light and relieving them of their feelings of confusion immediately. 

D&C Verse 63 states, 

  1. Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”

As the servants kept their promise to their master he did the same to them and they were rewarded for their diligence. 

We can and should strive to do the same thing as the servants. We should strive to become closer to our Heavenly Father through keeping our covenants and obeying his commandments and we too can be rewarded with his light. 

——Effort Brings Joy——

I think everyone wants to be successful in all aspects of our lives - work, school, home, family. But like the parable teaches, if you really want to make a difference or if you really want to succeed at something, you can’t just sit back and wait for it to happen. You have to DO what is required. It takes work on your part! That applies to the gospel too.

In my cousin’s farewell talk she said: 

When you do good, you feel good.

When you do bad, you feel bad.

When you do Nothing, you feel nothing. 

I tested the “do nothing” part. 

On July 25th, I met Bishop Johnson at his home and told him I was ready to serve. My papers went in a few weeks later. While waiting for my call, I received my endowment, started reading the Book of Mormon, I focused on gospel principles and engaged in church conversations. And I can honestly say, I have also tested and proved the “do good” part. I have never felt better or been happier. 

When you do good, you feel good. 

I know serving a mission won’t be easy. 

President Nelson, when asked if being a prophet is hard, answered: “Of course it’s hard. Everything to do with becoming more like the Savior is difficult. The Lord loves effort, because effort brings rewards that can’t come without it.”

I plan to GO to Jacksonville Florida and DO the Lord’s work. Like my friends did with me, I hope to INVITE people to come closer to Christ. I hope to work hard each day, because the Lord loves effort. 


I want to close with one last personal story and my testimony that I KNOW our Heavenly Father is aware of each one of us. He knows our questions and is waiting to answer them. I have learned that sometimes our will and the Lords will don’t align. But that the Lords way is the best way. He won’t change to what WE want. But He will love us and send little spiritual hints to help us and He will patiently wait until we align our will with His.  

Back in March, I got my recommend to receive my patriarchal blessing. When I called Patriarch Taylor, his first opening wasn’t until June 4th. As I said before these months of waiting were long and miserable for me. 

Finally the day arrived. I was excited to see what my blessing would say about possibly a wife or any “future telling” things. But I was most interested to see what it had to say about serving a mission. At this time I had decided I was not going on a mission. I figured that if my blessing didn’t say anything about a mission that it was God letting me know He accepted my decision. I received my blessing and to my surprise (& relief) it had nothing to say about me serving a mission. However something felt off. 

The following Saturday the patriarch called and asked if he could hand deliver the transcript of my blessing. Something he said he had only done once before. When he came to my house he told me that all week he felt as if he had left a very important part out of my blessing. He also encouraged me to pray to know that this “new part” was from the Lord. 

Once he left, I opened my blessing and on first glance I saw the line saying “you will be called as a missionary”


I know our Heavenly Father loves us. He will answer our prayers- even if they aren’t the answers we wanted. He will make his answers CLEAR but it is up to us to choose to accept those answers.

I have a testimony that this is the one true church and it is a church of action. You will receive what you put in. That when you seek God's love intently he will bless and reward you through the spirit that is his voice. As we look with love and gratitude to God, as we serve him with an eye single to his glory, there goes from us the darkness of sin, the darkness of selfishness, the darkness of pride. There will come an increased love for our Eternal Father and for his Beloved Son, our Savior and our Redeemer. There will come a greater sense of service toward our fellow men, less of thinking of self and more of reaching out to others.

I know it is a privilege to be a representative of Jesus Christ in the Jacksonville Florida mission. As nervous as I feel today, I know JOY awaits.  

I am grateful for the opportunity to SERVE In Florida. And I leave this with you, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

Advice from Stake Presidency and Bishop Fankhauser

 Bishop Fankhauser- 

You never know where your mission companions are coming from. Put your heart into the work

Keep your personality. Be who you are. While the mission will help you change and grow and learn- be who you are. There is a reason you are called to the place you’re serving in and part of it is because of the person you are. You might be the only person that can connect with certain people so don’t lose sight of that. Allow the Spirit to help you grow into the next version of Hayden Hall. 

The moment I started think I was a really awesome missionary was the moment I became the worst missionary. When you just start thinking, “I can do this”. Remember you are doing the Lord’s work. It won’t always be easy but when you are doing the Lord’s work, great things will come. 

President Lawson- 

He mentioned your talk and how you felt more happiness when you spent time in the temple. The more effort we put into certain things like spending time in the temple, the more happiness we can experience in our life. 

The prophet Joseph Smith told us that Paul wrote this epistle to the Hebrews and he’s writing back to the people in Jerusalem who were some of the instigators that got him arrested and sent off to Rome to prison. One of the things he says in Ch. 6 is- Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; what he’s wanting them to do is take the next step in their life and to move forward in the gospel in a real way- like what you are doing in becoming a missionary and start teaching the gospel to others. 

Paul continues in Hebrew 6:10- For God is not unrighteous (that is a double negative meaning he IS righteous) to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his dname (, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.” 

The same will be said of you in the records of heaven that are recorded in heaven about the labor of love that you will be serving in Fl. You and your testimony will change peoples lives and there are hearts being prepared for elder hall. Your unique character and unique personality will be what they need to help them feel the spirit and grow closer to the Savior. My testimony is that you will do a great work there and you will help people feel the spirit and grow closer to the Savior. Some of them will enter the waters of baptism. 

President Lee- 

The spirit is so strong in your home, this is a place of miracles. 

I am excited and wish I could trade places with you. Shared a quick message about HOPE. As you go out and teach the principles of Jesus Christ- you will be teaching a lot of people that have no hope. In their lives, they feel like there is nothing beyond. He shared a personal story about meeting a woman that received a diagnosis that she will pass away in two weeks. She said ‘I am full of hope. I am sealed to my husband and know he is waiting for me. I believe in Jesus Christ and I know that he loves me and his Atonement is operative in my life”. 

Similar to when Moroni quoting his father Mormon talking about faith, hope and charity. 

Moroni 7:41??- Mormon said; “What is it that you shall hope for?" “Behold I say unto you that you shall have hope through the Atonement of Christ and the power of his resurrection to be raised unto eternal life. And this because of your faith in him according to the promise”

Our lives can go on eternally. When you teach about all the different principles of the gospel- people will begin to have hope. The greatest message you can share is of hope. Because of the plan of salvation and the introducing of Jesus Christ in their lives- they will change and know when the time comes for them or a loved one to pass, they will know all of this is true. 

President Jackson-

Pres. Jackson felt impressed to share this scripture with you..

Alma the Younger went through a miraculous experience of being unconscious and having a great conversion. And we learn of his missionary efforts etc.

When he is speaking to his kids in the middle of Alma  (36:27) he says

— “I have been supported under trials and troubles of every kind…” 

We don’t know what your mission will be like.

You will have trials on your mission. Some of them may be companions, the work, local members may be challenging. But to hear a father tell his own son that he has been supported under trials and troubles of every kind.. powerful. 

As those trials and troubles come to you- you will be supported. The Savior has invited you to be apart of His great work. And you accepted. You have the power and authority to be a representative. Approach this assignment with

 confidence. You have will have trials and troubles- but the Lord will deliver you too.

Getting Set Apart

Hayden Christopher Hall, By the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood that we hold
and as your Stake President holding sacred priesthood keys, we unitedly lay our hands
upon your head and set you apart as a full time missionary of the church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints with assignment to labor in the Florida, Jacksonville Mission.

Elder Hall, as you begin this sacred experience, where you will dedicate approximately
two years of your life on full time basis to serve your brothers and sisters in Florida,
taking on various assignments that will come through your mission leaders and in
consecrating yourself in a very obedient and hard working way.

We bless you to know that the Holy Ghost will go before you and prepare your path so
that you are placed in situations that will be both challenging and rewarding.

We bless you to know that there are individuals who are being prepared right now to
hear this marvelous and joyful Gospel message from you.

We bless you with a strong desire to use your time each day in preparing yourself so you
will know what to say and when to say it as you approach individuals with differing
levels of interest in this gospel message.

We bless you with an ability to resist being discouraged so that you can approach each
day with a positive attitude knowing that some days will be very challenging to you.

We bless you in your interactions with companions- that those will be largely rewarding
and that you will find life long friends through those relationships.

We bless you further with the relationship you will develop with your mission leaders.
That this will be a source of encouragement and will be sustaining to you especially in
moments where your mission is challenging.

We bless you with a desire to be strictly obedient to mission rules and to find safetv and
peace in being strictly obedient. To be an example of obedience to other missionaries
you will work with.

We bless you as you communicate with your parents and your siblings- that you will do
so choosing the better part being generous in sharing those faith promoting experiences
and testimony that you are having, not knowing where those emails or communications
may go as you touch the lives of individuals who will be outside your mission

We send you forth now knowing you're on the Lord's errand and he will watch over you
and has been watching over you, preparing you for this great day.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


Link to Farewell

Link to Hayden's Farewell Talk (

Alma Georgia Address

 Hayden's New Address for ALMA GEORGIA 144 Mohawk River Road Alma GA 31510 Spent 2 weeks in a Quad in Douglas Georgia before moving into...