Saturday, April 27, 2024

Alma Georgia Address

 Hayden's New Address for ALMA GEORGIA

144 Mohawk River Road

Alma GA 31510

Spent 2 weeks in a Quad in Douglas Georgia before moving into his place. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

District Council Training

 "Talk to Everyone"

Introduced Tobe. 

Describe him. Show him a picture. Talk about all of Tobe‘s good qualities. 

  • he’s everybody’s biggest cheerleader
  • He wants to hear about your day
  • He worries when someone is sad or sick
  • He is proud of you 
  • He loves legos 
  • Etc

Tobe has a disability/autism. 

  • he gets hyper focused on things
  • He always has a nemesis  
  • He talks non-stop

Because of Tobe’s disability, he can’t come on a proselyting mission. But Tobe would make the greatest missionary. Do you know why? 

  • He isn't afraid to talk.  He talks to EVERYONE! 

That is what I want you to discuss today. 

The importance of talking to EVERYONE. 

I. Instruments in His Hands

In Alma 17, The sons of Mosiah were called as missionaries. They faced many different obstacles and journeys as they labored to teach their brethren about Jesus Christ. They were given a promise from the Lord 

Alma 17:11

  • And the Lord said unto them also: Go forth among the Lamanites, thy brethren, and establish my word; yet ye shall be patient in long-suffering and afflictions, that ye may show forth good examples unto them in me, and I will make an instrument of thee in my hands unto the salvation of many souls.

We like the sons of mosiah have been called as missionaries. We also have the promise from the Lord that we can be instrument in the Lords hands. The work we are called to do is the Lords work. We get to be instruments in his hands by doing this great and marvelous work.

  • How can we make this experience easier? 
  • How can we make the Lord’s job easier? 


We can find the answer in section 33 of the Doctrine and Covenants. 

Read ONLY the first sentence of verses 8-10

D&C 33:8-10

  • 8 Open your mouths and they shall be filled, ….
  • 9 Yea, open your mouths and spare not, … I am with you.
  • 10 Yea, open your mouths and they shall be filled, 


What does this mean? Don’t hesitate to talk to everyone you see. 

One of the promises the Lord gives us his missionaries is that when we go to preach the gospel, that he will help us to know what to say

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said: 

“Have faith. The Lord can magnify the words you speak and make them mighty. God doesn’t ask you to convert but rather to open your mouths."

I have a lot of Faith but I also know that I have to do my part as well. In Doctrine & Covenants section 11 we read about the revelation given to Hyrum where the Lord tells him something important about opening our mouths. 

Verse 21: 

  • Seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my word, and then shall your tongue be loosed; then, if you desire, you shall have my Spirit and my word, yea, the power of God unto the convincing of men” (D&C 11:21). 

The Lord will give us what to say, but it is also important to realize that we cannot teach what we do not know. Those who teach the gospel are most effective if they are living what they are teaching and willing to become lifelong learners.


In a conference talk about missionary work, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf explained  

“The Lord has never required expert, flawless missionary efforts. Instead, “the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind”.  

We are not perfect missionaries. We fall short and find ourselves in need of repentance just as those we are teaching. We are all just Constantly trying to get it right. 

Elder Uchtdorf continued saying, 

“You will eventually become better, happier, and more authentic. Talking with others about your faith will become normal and natural. In fact, the gospel will be such an essential, precious part of your lives that it would feel unnatural not to talk about it with others.” 


Going back to D&C 33:10 and reading the entire scripture:

10. Yea, open your mouths and they shall be filled, saying Repent, repent, and prepare ye the way of the Lord, and make his paths straight; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand 

I want to go back to my cousin Tobe. I told you that Tobe would make a great missionary because he talks everybody but there’s another reason why Tobe would make a good missionary.

  • tobe isn’t afraid to cry repentance.

  • Josh - tattoos/not going to church
  • Girls “showing their bellies” midriffs
  • having a girl in my bedroom

Tobe encourages CHANGE - that is what repentance is- it means to change.

Whether as is a missionary that needs to make some changes or the friends we teach- our job is not to hesitate to encourage repentance and change. 

Bishop L Todd Budge said, 

“In order to be a successful missionary, we must first be committed to the process of coming unto Christ, through repentance, in order to help others make commitments that will bring them closer to Jesus Christ through repentance.”

I know if we repent often and take every opportunity we are given to open our mouths- we will become BETTER & HAPPIER. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Sacrament Talk about Hayden's Mission given by Mom

 Sacrament Talk about Hayden’s Mission 

In Romans the Apostle Paul asked, “how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach except they be sent ?” (Romans 10:14-15)

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we learn that Jesus called his apostles to serve missions, saying “go you therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them, in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28). 

He said “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16)

He told Peter that if he loved him, “feed my sheep” meaning feed them the gospel – do missionary work!

Blessing at Home

What a great blessing it is to have a missionary. Our home feels different. Yes, it is a little quieter and our rooms are a little emptier, but it is filled with peace and a united purpose. Our thoughts are constantly on our missionary, his companion, the people he meets, and the friends he is teaching! 

Seeing the baby of our family get up early everyday, work from sun up to sun down, experience the more than occasional rejection, and still end the day excited to get up and do it all over again because he knows the purpose of his mission, has given our family a desire to follow his example. 

Having a missionary has brought a spirit to our home that has inspired our us to be a little better- a little better with our actions, a lot more focused with our prayers, and a little bolder with our testimonies. 

We have found ourselves drawing closer together as a family, united in our love for the Savior and our desire to share His message of hope and redemption. 

Mission Life

To give a quick update, Hayden is serving in the Florida Jacksonville mission. He has been serving for a little over five months and has spent the majority of his time in Tallahassee. Last week he was transferred to a small town near of Tifton Georgia called Alma. He is serving with his third companion, Elder Wengreen.  

He has experienced the highs and lows of missionary life. He’s had two companions crash their car. He’s spent a day stuck in a Nursing Home under a tornado watch. He showers with cockroaches and helps remove ticks from other missionaries. He enjoys the crazy rain storms of Florida and forgets that he has to wear sunscreen in March. He still flirts with everyone he meets and flexes when the lighting is good when we FaceTime. Some things will never change.

Mission Growth

But our Missionary is progressing, engaged and growing. The effort to find on a daily can be frustrating but he is prayerful and tries to never pass up an opportunity to share a message with someone. He enjoys his weekly service, being out and about, staying busy and loves to approach strangers.

In a conference talk about missionary work, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf explained  “The Lord has never required expert, flawless missionary efforts. Instead, “the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind”.  

Hayden is not a perfect missionary but he loves the challenge of missionary work and is constantly trying to get it right. 

Elder Uchtdorf continued saying, “You will eventually become better, happier, and more authentic. Talking with others about your faith will become normal and natural. In fact, the gospel will be such an essential, precious part of your lives that it would feel unnatural not to talk about it with others.” 

Over the last five months I have watched this happen with Hayden. He is becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable. 

I love to hear the details of his daily efforts. He understands the need for check lists but recognizes the importance of having the spirit in his lessons. He sees little miracles in the day to day and knows the Lord is guiding the work. 

Hayden has found strength in prayers, comfort in the scriptures, and has tremendous faith in the work. Recently, after meeting a young girl, he regretted not getting her contact information. He wondered if they’d ever meet her again. A few weeks later, he had his companion pull into the local Circle K so he could use the restroom and to his surprise, this same young girl had just started a new job behind the counter at Circle K. 

Hayden has had the privilege to stand in a filled baptismal font twice in Tallahassee. He was asked to baptize Nevaeh who the sisters had taught. Knowing it was his first time baptizing someone, his mission president had him “practice” on him. Hayden hated every second of that but in the end, was grateful for the chance to get it right without an audience.  

A few weeks later, Debra, a lady Hayden and his companion had been teaching asked if they’d stay after church so she could talk to them.  Of course they assumed the worst. When they met her in a classroom she quietly asked if she could be baptized. Shocked they explained the few requirements she needed and set a date for her baptism. Unfortunately conflict in her home has prevented Debra from being able to be baptized.  

Hayden’s friend Eric comes to church each week. He loves the gospel and understands that through the atonement of Jesus Christ he can be forgiven of his past sins. On March 16, Eric chose to accept the invitation to follow the Savior and entered the waters of baptism. 

We have been blessed with a front row seat to witness firsthand the power of missionary service. The light of the gospel shines bright in missionaries.  Hayden has grown to love those he is serving. Perhaps even more profound is that our family has developed a love for these people whom we have never even met.


He also has a love for the Savior and His work. In a conversation I had with him a few weeks ago, he wrote, “I love how the gospel gives people hope for their future. I took it for granted because I have known it my whole life. It is amazing that some people have never known about the realm of possibilities in the afterlife and that there is always forgiveness. The gospel and the life of Jesus Christ didn't just HAPPEN. It is HAPPENING” 

He is right, It IS happening. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. God lives and loves every one of us. I Know this with all my heart. THAT is why I willingly sent my son to do His work. 

After the Apostle Paul asked “how shall they preach except they be sent ?” He said “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”

I love my missionary. I am grateful he is willing to sacrifice two years of his life to “preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things.” I love missionary work. I know there is a work to do. There are many awaiting the message - I hope we will all take every opportunity we are given to declare it and share it. 

Monday, April 8, 2024

Getting Transferred to GEORGIA

 I'm Trash at writing emails so it might be a monthly thing now. 


his transfer has been a stressful But fun one. 

- kids that have never seen grass shouldn't be In leadership.
- I'm getting transferred to Alma, Georgia. Opening a new area there. 
- depressed that I'm leaving my area but oh well. Been a sick first area. 
- My companions been the goat. 

Monday, March 18, 2024

For Benny Dorius

 Haven't sent an email in a few weeks but I am still alive. Florida hasn't killed me yet. 

Going back a few weeks: 

My trainer went home so I got to spend a week in Lake City (the worst place to get transferred to). Not a thing out there but grass. But the people are super friendly. This family with 9 younger kids each gave me their roblox account names for when I go home. Or buy an XBOX. Whichever one comes first. 

Had transfers and got my new boyfriend, Elder Mohler. He's from Las Vegas. He’s a homie. He's not too good at driving, but that's alright. Happens to the best of us. (Picture below)

We baptized Eric last Saturday. Only took me 11 tries too. The font fills to our knee so it takes a full front squat to submerge anyone. Filled his nose with water the second try too💪


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

District Council Training

 Putting on the Armor of God throughout Scripture Study

Intro: Game

  • Round 1

Ask for FOUR volunteers and Have each put on the XL T-shirt (so they don’t get their shirt and tie too wet) 

Tell TWO volunteers to stand in the boxes made with tape on the floor (one volunteer in each box). Give them each a water gun.

Explain that they will get 60 seconds to get the other person’s shirt as wet as possible! They can duck, block, or try to dodge, but they must keep within their boxes. If either contestant steps outside his or her box, the competition will be over immediately.

Tell the volunteers “Go!” and start the stopwatch.

When 60 seconds are up inspect the contestants to determine which one came out less wet. (you may want to give them a prize)

Then proceed to Round 2—but with one little modification.

  • Round 2

Explain that they will do the exact same competition, with the same rules—except for one thing.

Pull out the trash bags and give one to ONE volunteer to put on over his or her shirt.

Then give the volunteers their water guns, say “Go!” and start the stopwatch. When 60 seconds are up, inspect the contestants to see who won. (Give a prize)

Ask the original two volunteers to stand next to the last two. Then ask the audience which two, of the four, ended up the wettest Ask the audience which two stayed the driest.

Point out  that the right kind of protection makes all the difference!

I. Armor of God

Paul wrote a letter to the Ephesians while he was in a roman prison. He could have been looking at a soldier as he wrote this letter. 

READ: Ephesians 6:10-19

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against  powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

19 And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,

As humans we are tempted and worked over pretty good in the world but as missionaries it seems we are fighting battles daily. We NEED the whole Armor of God! 

ASK: have you ever found yourself teaching a lesson and feeling caught flat footed?

ASK: have you ever left an appointment or meeting or lesson exhausted maybe even soaking wet like you just sat there and got pelted with a water gun?

Part of the armor Paul talks about that can help us so we aren't caught flat footed comes from STUDYING THE SCRIPTURES. 

II.  Scripture Study

After the great apostasy, the gospel was restored back to the earth because a fourteen-year-old kid read and pondered his scriptures. ONE scripture, James 1:5, led Joseph Smith to receive revelation. 

Think of the influence his scripture study has had on future generations? 

We have all heard the primary song “Scripture Power”.  Do we believe it? Do we realize the power and protection that comes from scripture study?

ASK: How serious do we take our scripture study? 

I’ll be honest, sometimes a nap sounds more fun than sitting in an uncomfortable chair to read. 

Sometimes, a quiet apartment is more appealing than a companionship scripture study session. 

But I know when I am sitting in someone’s home and am able to share something I recently studied or recall a scripture that applies to the life of someone I’m teaching, I am glad I “armored up” instead of taking that nap. 

ASK: has anyone experienced this? Anyone want to share a personal experiences when that has happened to them? 

Studying the scriptures and learning the gospel is much more than gaining information. 

The scriptures are a heavenly gift.  They will give us knowledge and conviction that will bless our life and enable us to bless others eternally.

III.  Scripture Study makes us Happy

I’m sure all of us have felt homesick or a little down while serving.  WE are away from friends and family.  We are uncomfortable EVERYDAY.  We are doing something that isn’t easy and can occasionally make us inadequate for the call. 

ASK: can scripture study help us feel happier? 

READ:  “His words will fill you —and those you teach —with light and truth. They will help you —and those you teach —live righteously and receive divine protection and strength. They will help you come to know Him and taste His love, which is sweet above all that is sweet. His words will fill your soul with joy”

READ: Elder Dieter F Uchtdorf said: “He created us to have joy!  So if we trust Him, He will help us to notice the good, bright, hopeful things of life.  And sure enough, the world will become brighter.”

I know, if we let it, one of the greatest blessings of our mission is having a scheduled time to study the scriptures every day. 


We only get 18 months-two years to focus on spreading the gospel, studying our scriptures, and inviting others come unto Christ through baptism. It is our ONLY job in life right now. This job isn’t easy and our time is short! 

So we have a choice- we can go out each day and come home “soaking wet” OR we can STUDY OUR SCRIPTURES,  put on the Armor of God and come home feeling a little brighter. It’s our choice. 

I know as we patiently persist in studying the word of God, (even when we would rather have a quiet apartment for a nap) our understanding will grow. We will come to treasure our time with the scriptures.

And in turn each day we will be able to:

  • discern truth from error. 
  • have the “gospel of peace.” 
  • Enjoy protection
  • have the ability to quench the fiery darts of the adversary. 
  • teach truth with power and authority. 
  • And be fortified against worldly influences

Because we will have studied and put on the “armour of God”. 

Alma Georgia Address

 Hayden's New Address for ALMA GEORGIA 144 Mohawk River Road Alma GA 31510 Spent 2 weeks in a Quad in Douglas Georgia before moving into...